The economy is changing and diversifying continuously. Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, Open Source, Creative Commons and Open Patents are initiatives that once changed the software industry and is now changing all the industries; and so enabling local industry to thrive.
To maintain corporations, equilibrium; we must game change all our visions in terms of business development and embrace an open and democratic product development, service centers and customer support.
The future which is near than most think and will bring opportunities and challenges to corporations and dividing the economic pie is part of the silent democratic economic exercise to avoid social instability that currently is arising due to inequality and lack of political leadership.
Local enabling Corporations Model
This model aims to change the current economic model and business development efforts. The purpose is to change the model of which local industry is not participating even within their domains; but technology and social efforts are being made and we can see local industries thriving such as the local breweries, local media entertainment (vloggers), culinary entrepreneurs, fashion designers, engineering consultancy and software development.
Most cities nowadays have professional that are present in this industries and more an more we will begin to see other industries replacing global corporations in certain areas. But every industry need globalized suppliers; and this is where Corporations are the key supply chain.
Customization is part of this future and we will begin to see how corporations will migrate from wholly owned products and intellectual property such as motor vehicles to part suppliers to enable local customization and some will even provide open patents.
Personally i believe that this model will diversify our economy and create a friendly environment for research and development companies to develop. Open patent will provide an essential tool to develop local industries. It is not the same open as in free.
An open patent is one that the service of knowledge has been paid by a group or corporation to develop a service or product; and the patent has been released to be reproduced and manufactured by any company that may be capable of producing.
Not all corporations will migrate nor will be less competitive; this model it is a trend that will mark this century and perhaps even the next one. Because it gives us the opportunity to encourage local industry as well as to embrace globalization, freedom and democracy.
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