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Integrative Innovation

When it come to business development an entrepreneur must always consider innovation as part of his key investments to drive their company to success and sustaining profits. 

Integrative Innovations is a business development concept that embraces the idea of improvements first with operational behavior; creating a continuous improvement culture and understanding the importance of operational excellence by every member of the company. 

Once we have achieve behavior improvement and a continuous vision to improve any division of the company we can drive any member into product development improvements; this jointly with the R&D department. Most of us believe that the innovations come from high profile professionals that know everything in their field; but we can encounter people that can drive innovation from a simple and often never seen issue that suddenly may become resolved by the most common person. 

The integration of innovation give us the humble vision that anyone can have a great idea. In this vision the R&D department hold the objective to facilitate all knowledge and specialty to back the idea and proposal always opening their doors to new ideas and testings while holding the budget. 

For this matter crowdsourcing and partnering with the inventors and innovators holds a great strategy to help the grow, create a new baseline for achievements corporate wide and maintain the focus on a talent driven corporation. 

Whether we like it or not change is here and is coming at a faster pace that anyone could have imagined. Innovation is the key to embrace this fast changing corporate and business environment. Now we can expect for anyone to have a great idea and simply replace any product that has been there for decades and centuries; old fashioned trademarks and businesses need to move forward into this model to survive and maintain their status. 

Without a doubt this future brings democracy to product and services development and now we are on sight of our customers, questioning even more, needing more services and the need of a broader life experience on each product we could offer as business owners, entrepreneurs and managers. Innovation is an integrative task and a strong challenge for any leader; a job that needs to be done and that most of us are afraid to face; keeping old models and reject the new. Adopt the New.  


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